
해외 철도기관 데이터 목록 -6

mbolt 2022. 12. 20. 14:11

해외 철도기관 데이터 목록입니다.
국가명, 기관명, 홈페이지, 이메일, 전화번호가 정리되어 있습니다.

국가명 기관명 홈페이지 이메일 전화번호
미국 Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) www.fra.dot.gov
+1 202 493 6000
미국 US High Speed Rail Association www.ushsr.com info@ushsr.com +1 202 248 5001
미국 Railway Tie Association www.rta.org ties@rta.org +1 770 460 5553
미국 Railway Systems Suppliers Inc www.rssi.org rssi@rssi.org +1 904 379 3366
미국 Railway Supply Institute www.rsiweb.org
+1 202 347 4664
미국 Railway Engineering-Maintenance Suppliers Association www.remsa.org info@remsa.org +1 202 715 2921
미국 Railroad Research Foundation www.railroadresearch.org
+1 202 639 2210
미국 Railroad Passenger Car Alliance www.rpca.com info@rpca.com +1 443 262 8709
미국 Railroad Management Association railroadmanagement.org contact@railroadmanagement.org
미국 Operation Lifesaver Inc www.oli.org general@oli.org +1 703 739 0308
미국 OnTrackNorthAmerica Inc www.ontracknorthamerica.org info@ontracknorthamerica.org +1 215 564 3004
미국 North American Rail Shippers Association www.railshippers.com nars@railshippers.com +1 630 386 1366
미국 National Railway Labor Conference www.nrlc.ws geevans@rrnrlc.org +1 571 336 7600
미국 National Railroad Construction & Maintenance Association Inc www.nrcma.org info@nrcma.org +1 202 715 1264
미국 National Association of Railway Business Women www.narbw.org narbwinfo@narbw.org
미국 National Association of Railroad Passengers www.narprail.org narp@narprail.org +1 202 408 8362
미국 Locomotive Maintenance Officers' Association lmoarail.com rpondel@wabtec.com +1 630 860 5511 x217
미국 League of Railway Industry Women www.railwaywomen.org info@railwaywomen.org +1 202 638 7790
미국 International Heavy Haul Association www.ihha.net scottlovelace@verizon.net +1 757 496 8288
미국 International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail & Transportation Workers smart-union.org/td info@smart-union.org +1 216 228 9400
미국 International Association of Railway Operating Officers www.iaroo.org
+1 406 370 6977
미국 Intermodal Association of North America www.intermodal.org info@intermodal.org +1 301 982 3400
미국 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers & Trainmen www.ble-t.org execstaff@ble-t.org +1 216 241 2360
미국 Association of Tourist Railroads and Railway Museums www.atrrm.org contact@atrrm.org +1 770 278 0088
미국 Association of Car Accounting & Car Service Officers www.acacso.org

미국 Association of American Railroads (AAR) www.aar.org information@aar.org +1 202 639 2100
미국 American Society of Mechanical Engineers www.asme.org customercare@asme.org +973 882 1170
미국 American Short Line & Regional Railroad Association www.aslrra.org aslrra@aslrra.org +1 202 628 4500
미국 American Railway Engineering & Maintenance-of-Way Association www.arema.org info@arema.org +1 301 459 3200
미국 American Railway Development Association www.amraildev.com amraildev@gmail.com +1 202 715 1259
미국 American Public Transportation Association www.apta.com info@apta.com +1 202 496 4800
미국 American Association of Railroad Superintendents (AARS) www.supt.org aars@supt.org +1 331 643 3369
미국 American Association of Private Railroad Car Owners www.aaprco.com
+1 706 326 6262
미국 West Virginia State Rail Authority www.stb.dot.gov dot.info@wv.gov +1 304 538 2305
미국 Virginia Department of Rail & Public Transportation www.drpt.virginia.gov drptpr@drpt.virginia.gov +1 804 786 4440
미국 Transportation Security Administration www.tsa.gov TSA-ContactCenter@dhs.gov +1 866 289 9673
미국 Transportation Research Board (TRB) www.trb.org
+1 202 334 2934
미국 Texas Department of Transportation www.txdot.gov
+1 512 463 8588
미국 Surface Transportation Board (STB) www.stb.gov feedback@stb.gov
미국 Regional Transportation Authority of Northeastern Illinois www.rtachicago.com communications@rtachicago.org +1 312 913 3200
미국 National Transportation Safety Board www.ntsb.gov
+1 202 314 6000
미국 Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) www.mta.info
+1 212 878 7000
미국 Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) www.massdot.state.ma.us
+1 617 973 7000
미국 Georgia Regional Transportation Authority www.grta.org comments@grta.org +1 404 463 3000
미국 Florida Department of Transportation www.dot.state.fl.us fdot@dot.state.fl.us +1 850 414 4500
미국 Federal Transit Administration www.fta.dot.gov
+1 202 366 4043
미국 Department of Transportation, USA www.dot.gov
+1 202 366 4000
미국 Delaware Department of Transportation www.deldot.net
+1 302 760 2080
미국 Colorado Department of Transportation www.coloradodot.info dot_info@state.co.us +1 303 757 9011
미국 Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority www.capitolcorridor.org info@capitolcorridor.org +1 510 464 6995
미국 California High-Speed Rail Authority www.hsr.ca.gov info@hsr.ca.gov +1 916 324 1541
미국 California Department of Transportation www.dot.ca.gov
+1 916 654 2852
미국 Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority www.acta.org
+1 310 233 7480
미국 Trinity Metro www.the-t.com tboard@the-t.com +1 817 215 8600
미국 Metrolink (Los Angeles) www.metrolinktrains.com
+1 213 452 0200
미국 MBTA Commuter Rail mbta.com info@mbcr.net +1 617 222 8001
미국 Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) www.bart.gov
+1 510 464 6000
미국 Valley Metro Rail Inc www.valleymetro.org csr@valleymetro.org +1 602 253 5000
미국 Utah Transit Authority (UTA) www.rideuta.com
+1 801 262 5626
미국 TriMet (Portland, OR) www.trimet.org webmaster@trimet.org +1 503 962 4831
미국 The Loop Trolley Co www.looptrolley.com info@looptrolley.com +1 314 725 5000
미국 Teco Line Streetcar System www.tecolinestreetcar.org riveral@hartline.org
미국 Sun Link Streetcar (Tucson) www.sunlinkstreetcar.com sunlinkstreetcarcomments@tucsonaz.gov +1 520 792 9222
미국 Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) www.septa.com
+1 215 580 8112
미국 Sound Transit (Seattle) www.soundtransit.org main@soundtransit.org +1 206 398 5000
미국 Semitag (Grenoble) www.seattlestreetcar.org seattle.streetcar@seattle.gov +1 206 553 3000
미국 Seattle Streetcar www.seattlestreetcar.org seattle.streetcar@seattle.gov +1 206 553 3000
미국 Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) www.vta.org customer.service@vta.org +1 408 321 2300
미국 San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) www.sfmta.com
+1 415 701 4500
미국 San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) www.sdmts.com
+1 619 595 4949
미국 Sacramento RT Light Rail www.sacrt.com
+1 916 321 2800
미국 River Line www.njtransit.com
+1 973 491 7000
미국 QLine qlinedetroit.com info@m-1rail.com +1 313 528 3044
미국 Purple Line Transit Partners (PLTP) www.purplelinetransitpartners.com
+1 443 451 3706
미국 Portland Streetcar www.portlandstreetcar.org carol.cooper@portlandoregon.gov +1 503 823 2900
미국 Port Authority of Allegheny County (Pittsburgh) www.portauthority.org
+1 412 566 5500
미국 Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) www.octa.net ocstreetcar@octa.net +1 714 560 6282
미국 Oklahoma City Streetcar okcstreetcar.com

미국 North County Transit District (NCTD) www.gonctd.com sprinter@nctd.org +1 760 966 6500
미국 Newark Light Rail www.njtransit.com
+1 973 491 8796
미국 New Orleans Regional Transit Authority (NORTA) www.norta.com marketingpublicrelations@norta.com +1 504 827 8300
미국 Milwaukee Streetcar thehopmke.com info@thehopmke.com +1 414 286 2221
미국 Metrorail (Houston) www.ridemetro.org webmaster@ridemetro.org +1 713 739 4000
미국 Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) www.itsmarta.com custserve@itsmarta.com +1 404 848 5000
미국 Metro Transit (St Louis) www.metrostlouis.org customerservice@metrostlouis.org +1 314 982 1440
미국 Metro Transit (Minnesota) www.metrotransit.org data.center@metc.state.mn.us +1 612 349 7400
미국 Metro Streetcar (Little Rock) rrmetro.org/services/streetcar info@rrmetro.org +1 501 375 6717
미국 Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) www.matatransit.com
+1 901 722 7100
미국 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) www.mbta.com gm@mbta.com +1 617 222 3200
미국 Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) mta.maryland.gov
+1 410 767 3943
미국 Los Angeles Metro www.mta.net
+1 213 922 2000
미국 Kansas City Streetcar Authority (KCSA) www.kcstreetcar.org info@kcstreetcar.org +1 816 627 2527
미국 Hudson-Bergen Light Rail www.njtransit.com
+1 201 209 2500
미국 Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) - The Tide www.gohrt.com ridethetide@hrtransit.org +1 757 222 6000
미국 Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA) www.riderta.com
+1 216 566 5100
미국 GoTriangle gotriangle.org info@gotriangle.org +1 919 485 7433
미국 Galveston Island Trolley www.galvestontrolley.com

미국 El Paso Streetcar www.sunmetro.net/streetcar
+1 915 212 3333
미국 Denver Regional Transportation District (RTD) www.rtd-denver.com scott.reed@rtd-denver.com +1 303 628 9000
미국 DC Streetcar (Washington DC) www.dcstreetcar.com info@dcstreetcar.com +1 202 671 2800
미국 Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) www.dart.org
+1 214 749 3278
미국 Cincinnati Bell Connector Streetcar www.cincinnati-oh.gov/streetcar
+1 513 352 2366
미국 Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) charlottenc.gov/cats telltransit@charlottenc.gov +1 866 779 2287
미국 Buffalo Metro Rail www.nfta.com info@nfta.com +1 716 855 7300
미국 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) www.wmata.com
+1 202 962 1000
미국 Tren Urbano (San Juan) www.dtop.gov.pr/transporte_urbano
+1 787 723 3760
미국 Port Authority Transit Corp (PATCO) www.ridepatco.org info@lists.drpa.org +1 856 772 6900
미국 Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corp (PATH) www.pathrail.com
+1 201 216 6247
미국 MTA Staten Island Railway (SIR) www.mta.info/sir
+1 347 694 3000
미국 MTA New York City Transit (NYCTA) www.mta.info
+1 718 330 3000
미국 Miami-Dade Transit www.miamidade.gov/transit cforbes@miamidade.gov +1 305 375 5675
미국 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) www.honolulutransit.org info@honolulutransit.org +1 808 768 6159
미국 Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) www.transitchicago.com ctamedia@transitchicago.com +1 312 664 7200
미국 White Pass & Yukon Route www.wpyr.com info@wpyr.com +1 907 983 2217
미국 Manitou & Pikes Peak Cog Railway Co www.cograilway.com info@cograilway.com +1 719 685 5041
미국 Lahaina, Kaanapali & Pacific Railroad sugarcanetrain.com
+1 808 667 6851
미국 Texas Central Partners LLC www.texascentral.com info@texascentral.com +1 844 898 7246
미국 RailUSA LLC railusa.com info@railusa.com +1 561 448 2050
미국 Midwest & Bluegrass Rail (MBR) www.mbrail.com info@mbrail.com +1 816 519 1285
미국 Keolis North America www.keolisna.com info@keolisamerica.com +1 857 267 5365
미국 Ironhorse Resources Inc ironhorseresources.com info@ironhorseresources.com +1 618 632 4400
미국 International Rail Partners LLC (IRP) www.irailpartners.com info@irailpartners.com +1 561 617 8050
미국 Brightline gobrightline.com info@gobrightline.com +1 305 520 2300
미국 Virginia Railway Express www.vre.org gotrains@vre.org +1 703 684 1001
미국 Transdev North America Inc www.transdevna.com infous@transdev.com +1 630 571 7070
미국 SunRail www.sunrail.com info@sunrail.com +1 407 732 6700
미국 South Florida Regional Transportation Authority (SFRTA) www.tri-rail.com
+1 954 783 6030
미국 Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit www.sonomamarintrain.org info@sonomamarintrain.org +1 415 226 0880
미국 Regional Transportation Authority of Middle Tennessee www.musiccitystar.org rta@nashville.gov +1 615 862 8833
미국 Rail Runner Express (Albuquerque) www.nmrailrunner.com railrunner@mrcog-nm.gov +1 505 247 1750
미국 Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority (NNEPRA) www.nnepra.com info@nnepra.com +1 207 780 1000
미국 Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District (NICTD) www.mysouthshoreline.com
+1 219 926 5744
미국 NJ Transit Rail Operations Inc www.njtransit.com
+1 973 491 7000
미국 MTA Metro-North Railroad (MNR) www.mta.info/mnr
+1 212 340 3000
미국 MTA Long Island Rail Road (LIRR)

+1 718 558 8228
미국 Metra (Chicago) www.metrarail.com
+1 312 322 6900
미국 Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad (DSNGRR) www.durangotrain.com info@durangotrain.com +1 888 872 4607
미국 Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA) www.dcta.net info@dcta.net +1 972 221 4600
미국 Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad cumbrestoltec.com info@cumbrestoltec.com +1 505 756 2151
미국 Connecticut Department of Transportation (CDoT) www.ct.gov/dot mark.neri@po.state.ct.us +1 860 594 2800
미국 Capital MetroRail (Austin) www.capmetro.org/metrorail
+1 512 389 7400
미국 Caltrain www.caltrain.com
+1 650 508 6200
미국 Brightline West www.gobrightline.com/west-coast-expansion info@xpresswest.com +1 702 739 2020
미국 Amtrak (AMTK) www.amtrak.com
+1 202 906 3963
미국 Altamont Corridor Express (ACE) www.acerail.com aceinfo@acerail.com +1 209 944 6220
미국 Transkentucky Transportation Railroad (TTIS) www.mbrail.com/ttis tmills@ttirailroad.com +1 859 227 4477
미국 Tradepoint Rail www.tradepointrail.com info@tradepointrail.com +1 410 709 1301
미국 Towanda-Monroeton Shippers’ Lifeline (TMSS)

+1 570 265 6469
미국 Tomahawk Railway www.gwrr.com
+1 715 453 2303
미국 Toledo, Peoria & Western Railway (TPW) www.gwrr.com/tpw
+1 802 527 3404
미국 Timber Rock Railroad www.watcocompanies.com
+1 409 385 6611
미국 Three Notch Railway (TNHR) www.gwrr.com/tnhr corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 716 401 8955
미국 Texas, Oklahoma & Eastern Railroad (TOE) patriotrail.com/rail/dequeen-and-eastern-railroad-dqe dqe-cs@patriotrail.com +1 501 642 1422
미국 Texas, Gonzales & Northern Railway

+1 806 935 7474
미국 Texas South-Eastern Rail Road Co www.templeinland.com
+1 936 829 5613
미국 Texas Northeastern Railroad (TNER) www.gwrr.com/tner
+1 513 505 9953
미국 Texas North Western Railway Co

+1 806 935 7474
미국 Texas Mexican Railway Co (TM) www.kcsi.com/corporate/tmr.html

미국 Texas City Terminal Railway www.tctrr.com railport@railporttc.com +1 409 945 4461
미국 Texas & Northern Railway (TN) transtarrail.com/locations/texas-northern-railway-company
+1 412 559 4752
미국 Terminal Railway Alabama State Port Authority www.asdd.com
+1 251 441 7300
미국 Terminal Railroad Association of St Louis www.terminalrailroad.com webadmin@terminalrailroad.com +1 314 231 5196
미국 Tennken Railroad
tkennrr@aol.com +1 731 286 2530
미국 Tennessee Southern Railroad (TSRR) patriotrail.com/rail/tennessee-southern-railroad-tsrr tsrr-cs@patriotrail.com +1 931 379 5824
미국 Temple & Central Texas Railway (TC) patriotrail.com/rail/temple-central-texas-railway-tc tc-cs@patriotrail.com +1 254 778 8300
미국 Tazewell & Peoria Railroad (TZPR) www.gwrr.com/operations/railroads/north_america/tazewell_peoria_railroad.be
+1 309 694 6619
미국 Tacoma Rail www.mytpu.org/tacomarail railoperations@cityoftacoma.org +1 253 502 8891
미국 Stourbridge Railroad Co (SBRR)

미국 Stockton Terminal & Eastern Railroad (STE) www.sterailroad.com contact@sterailroad.com +1 209 466 7001
미국 Stillwater Central Railroad (SLWC) www.watco.com/service/rail/stillwater-central-railroad-slwc
+1 405 616 3000
미국 Staten Island Railroad www.nycedc.com
+1 212 619 5000
미국 St Maries River Railroad www.stmariesriverrr.com info@stmariesriverrr.com +1 208 245 4531
미국 St Croix Valley Railroad

+1 320 384 0437
미국 Spokane, Spangle & Palouse Railway (SSP) www.ssprw.com customerservice@ssprw.com +1 682 703 8510
미국 Southwestern Railroad

+1 505 537 2004
미국 Southwest Pennsylvania Railroad (SWP) www.carloadexpress.com
+1 412 426 2800
미국 Southern Switching Co (SSC) ironhorseresources.com/rail-lines/southern-switching sscrr@wtxs.net +1 325 677 3601
미국 Southern Railroad of New Jersey

+1 609 871 8699
미국 Southern Indiana Railway Inc

+1 812 246 2716
미국 South Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad (SKOL) www.watco.com/service/rail/skol cs3@watco.com +1 620 336 4000
미국 South Central Florida Express, Inc www.ussugar.com/railroad/scfe.html
+1 863 983 3163
미국 South Carolina Central Railroad (SCRF) www.gwrr.com/scrf corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 256 249 1196
미국 South Buffalo Railway Co www.gwrr.com
+1 716 821 3631
미국 South Branch Valley Railroad www.wvdot.com/4_railways
+1 304 538 2305
미국 Somerset Railroad Corp

+1 716 795 9501
미국 SMS Rail Lines www.smsrail.com jeffs@smsrail.com +1 856 467 4800
미국 Sisseton Milbank Railroad www.tcwr.net/mpl/smrr-company-overview
+1 605 432 6912
미국 Sierra Northern Railway www.sierranorthern.com
+1 530 666 9646
미국 Shamokin Valley Railroad Company www.nshr.com/svrr
+1 570 473 7949
미국 Sequatchie Valley Switching Co LLC (SQSC) ironhorseresources.com/rail-lines/sqsc
+1 256 429 2275
미국 Semo Port Railroad www.semoport.com semoport@semoport.com +1 573 264 4045
미국 Seminole Gulf Railway semgulf.com
+1 239 275 6060
미국 Savannah Port Terminal Railroad www.gwrr.com
+1 912 964 3987
미국 Savannah Industrial Transportation (SIT) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/savannah-industrial-transportation cscus@omnitrax.com +1 877 276 3777
미국 Santa Teresa Southern Railroad (STS) ironhorseresources.com/rail-lines/santa-teresa-railroad
+1 575 589 1129
미국 Santa Maria Valley Railroad Co www.smvrr.com mparry@smvrr.com +1 805 922 7941
미국 Santa Fe Southern Railway www.sfsr.com depot@sfsr.com +1 505 989 8600
미국 Sands Springs Railway (SS) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/sand-springs-railway-company cscus@omnitrax.com +1 918 497 0893
미국 Sandersville Railroad Co www.sandersvillerailroad.com bjtarb@sandersvillerailroad.com +1 478 552 5151
미국 Sand Springs Railway Co

+1 918 245 8625
미국 San Pedro Valley Railroad (SPV) ironhorseresources.com/rail-lines/san-pedro-valley-railroad info@ironhorseresources.com +1 520 586 2266
미국 San Luis Central Railroad

+1 773 714 8669
미국 San Joaquin Valley Railroad www.gwrr.com sjvr-cs@gwrr.com +1 855 665 3306
미국 San Diego & Imperial Valley Railroad (SDIY) www.gwrr.com sdiy-cs@gwrr.com +1 877 361 6489
미국 Salt Lake, Garfield & Western Railway (SLGW) patriotrail.com/rail/salt-lake-garfield-western-railway-slgw slgw-cs@qwest.net +1 801 355 7154
미국 Salt Lake City Southern Railroad (SLCS) www.gwrr.com corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 435 472 3407
미국 Safe Handling Rail Inc www.savagesafehandling.com turina@safehandling.com +1 207 783 1020
미국 Sacramento Valley Railroad (SAV) patriotrail.com/rail/sacramento-valley-railroad-sav sav-cs@patriotrail.com +1 916 333 5900
미국 Sabine River & Northern Railroad www.templeinland.com information@templeinland.com +1 409 746 2453
미국 Rogue Valley Terminal Railroad www.cctrailsystem.com/railroads/rvt office@roguevalleyrr.com +1 541 826 2631
미국 Rock & Rail LLC

+1 719 884 8800
미국 Rochester & Southern Railroad www.gwrr.com
+1 585 463 3308
미국 RJ Corman Railroad Group www.rjcorman.com info@rjcorman.com +1 859 881 7521
미국 River Ridge Railroad (RRR) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/river-ridge-railroad cscus@omnitrax.com +1 877 276 3777
미국 Rio Valley Switching Co (RVSC) ironhorseresources.com/rail-lines/rio-valley-switching customerservice@riovalleyswitching.com +1 956 971 9111
미국 Rio Grande Pacific Corp (RGPC) rgpc.com info@rgpc.com +1 817 737 5885
미국 Ringneck & Western Railroad (RWRR) www.watco.com/service/rail/ringneck-western-railroad-rwrr ryan.yanez@watco.com +1 605 299 1404
미국 Richmond Pacific Railroad Corp www.levinterminal.com marketing@levinterminal.com +1 510 232 4422
미국 Riceboro Southern Railway (RSOR) www.gwrr.com/rsor corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 912 253 7970
미국 Republic N&T Railway www.republicengineered.com info@republicengineered.com +1 330 438 5824
미국 Regional Rail LLC www.regional-rail.com csagent@fcrr.com +1 610 925 0131
미국 Redmont Railway Co Inc

+1 205 356 8373
미국 Red River Valley & Western Railroad www.rrvw.net
+1 701 642 8257
미국 Reading Blue Mountain & Northern Railroad (RBMN) www.rbmnrr.com generalquestions@readingnorthern.com +1 610 562 2100
미국 Raritan Central Railway www.raritancentralrr.com eyalshapira@aol.com +1 617 243 0137
미국 Rapid City, Pierre & Eastern Railroad Inc www.gwrr.com/railroads/north_america/rapid-city-pierre--eastern-railroad rcpe-cs@gwrr.com
미국 Railroad Development Corp www.rrdc.com rdc@rrdc.com +1 412 928 0777
미국 Rail Link Inc www.gwrr.com
+1 904 223 1110
미국 Quincy Railroad Co www.spi-ind.com sierra@spi-ind.com +1 530 283 2820
미국 Puget Sound & Pacific Railroad www.gwrr.com psap-cs@gwrr.com +1 855 344 5077
미국 Providence & Worcester Railroad www.pwrr.com
+1 508 755 4000
미국 Progressive Rail Inc www.progressiverail.com pgrcs@progressiverail.com +1 888 776 7245
미국 Prescott & Northwestern Railroad (PNW) www.gwrr.com/pnw corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 870 613 7499
미국 Portland Vancouver Junction Railroad (PVJR) www.pvjr.com
+1 360 687 2007
미국 Portland & Western Railroad (PNWR) www.gwrr.com/pnwr pnwr-cs@gwrr.com +1 503 930 8222
미국 Port Terminal Railroad Association www.ptra.com web@ptra.com +1 713 393 6500
미국 Port Bienville Railroad www.portandharbour.com railroad@portandharbour.com +1 228 533 7788
미국 Point Comfort & Northern Railway (PCN) www.gwrr.com/pcn corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 409 621 6681
미국 Pittsburgh, Allegheny & McKees Rocks Railroad

+1 412 331 3555
미국 Pittsburgh & Ohio Central Railroad (POHC) www.gwrr.com/pohc corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 740 622 8092
미국 Pioneer Valley Railroad Co www.pvrr.com information@pvrr.com +1 413 568 3331
미국 Pioneer Lines pioneerlines.com info@pioneerlines.com +1 720 506 9121
미국 Pinsly Railroad Co www.pinsly.com prc@pinsly.com +1 413 568 6426
미국 Piedmont & Northern Railway (PN) patriotrail.com

미국 Pickens Railway www.pickensrailway.com prc@pickensrailway.com +1 864 878 3581
미국 Peru Industrial Railroad (PIR) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/peru-industrial-railroad cscus@omnitrax.com +1 815 431 0940
미국 Pennsylvania Southwestern Railroad www.watco.com/service/rail/pennsylvania-southwestern-railroad-pswr cs2@watco.com +1 274 643 2500
미국 Pend Oreille Valley Railroad www.povarr.com pova@povarr.com +1 509 445 1750
미국 Pee Dee River Railway (PDRR) www.aberdeen-rockfish.com/html/pdrr-home.html info@aberdeen-rockfish.com +1 910 944 2341
미국 Pecos Valley Southern Railway www.watco.com/service/rail/pecos-valley-southern-railway-pvs cs3@watco.com +1 806 781 2784

국가명 기관명 홈페이지 이메일 전화번호
미국 Patriot Woods Railroad (PAW) patriotrail.com/rail/columbia-cowlitz-railway-clc clc-cs@patriotrail.com +1 360 501 2182
미국 Patriot Rail Company LLC www.patriotrail.com info@patriotrail.com +1 904 423 2540
미국 Panhandle Northern Railroad (PNR) omnitrax.com/services/industrial-development/panhandle-northern-railroad omniinfo@omnitrax.com +1 806 273 3513
미국 Pan Am Southern LLC www.panamrailways.com marketing@panamrailways.com +1 978 663 1131
미국 Pan Am Railways (PAR) www.panamrailways.com customerservice@panamrailways.com +1 978 663 1130
미국 Palouse River & Coulee City Railroad (PCC) www.watco.com/service/rail/palouse-river-coulee-city-railroad-pcc
+1 509 845 7686
미국 Palmetto Railways www.palmettorailways.com yardmaster@palmettorail.com +1 843 727 2067
미국 Paducah & Louisville Railway (PAL) www.palrr.com customerservicereps@palrr.com +1 270 443 4300
미국 Pacific Harbor Line Inc (PHL) www.anacostia.com/railroads/phl
+1 310 834 4594
미국 Ouachita Railroad (OUCH)

+1 479 968 6455
미국 Otter Tail Valley Railroad (OTVR) www.gwrr.com/otvr otvr-cs@gwrr.com +1 989 797 5136
미국 Oregon Pacific Railroad (OPR) www.oregonpacificrr.com rasopr@gmail.com +1 503 659 5452
미국 Ontario Midland Railroad (OMID)

+1 315 483 2152
미국 Ontario Central Railroad (ONCT) www.fglkrail.com
+1 585 924 2127
미국 OmniTRAX Inc www.omnitrax.com info@omnitrax.com +1 303 398 4500
미국 Omaha, Lincoln & Beatrice Railway (OLB) olbrailway.com
+1 402 434 1212
미국 Olympia & Belmore Railroad Inc (OYLO) www.gwrr.com/oylo oylo-cs@gwrr.com +1 855 665 3306 x6956
미국 Old Augusta Railroad Co (OAR)

+1 601 964 7140
미국 Oil Creek & Titusville Lines (OCTL) www.nylerr.com/OCTL.php
+1 716 532 5242
미국 Ohio Southern Railroad (OSRR) www.gwrr.com/osrr corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 740 622 8092
미국 Ohio Central Railroad (OHCR) www.gwrr.com/ohcr ocrscustomerservice@gwrr.com +1 740 622 8092
미국 Northwestern Pacific Railroad (NWP) www.nwprailroad.com
+1 650 289 9850
미국 Northern Plains Railroad (NPR) www.nprail.com info@nprail.com +1 701 229 3330
미국 Northern Ohio & Western Railway (NOW) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/northern-ohio-western-railway-llc cscus@omnitrax.com +1 419 448 8896
미국 Northern Lines Railway (NLR) www.anacostia.com/railroads/nlr
+1 320 253 8130
미국 North Shore Railroad Company (NSHR) www.nshr.com
+1 570 473 7949
미국 North Carolina Railroad (NCRR) www.ncrr.com ncrr_info@ncrr.com +1 919 954 7601
미국 North Carolina & Virginia Railroad (NCVA) www.gwrr.com/ncva corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 252 332 2778
미국 Norfolk Southern Corp (NS) www.nscorp.com
+1 855 667 3655
미국 Norfolk & Portsmouth Belt Line Rail Road (NPBL) www.npblrr.com info@npblrr.com +1 757 271 1800
미국 Nittany & Bald Eagle Railroad (NBER) www.nshr.com/nber
+1 814 355 4736
미국 Newburgh & South Shore Railroad (NSR) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/newburgh-south-shore-railroad-llc cscus@omnitrax.com +1 216 219 1730
미국 New York, Susquehanna & Western Railway Corp (NYSW) www.nysw.com customerservice@nysw.com +1 607 547 2555
미국 New York New Jersey Rail LLC (NYNJ) nynjr.com info@nynjr.com +1 201 433 0360
미국 New York & Lake Erie Railroad (NYLE) www.nylerr.com/NYLE.php
+1 716 532 5242
미국 New York & Atlantic Railway (NYA) www.anacostia.com/railroads/nya NYAcustomerservice@anacostia.com +1 718 497 3023
미국 New Orleans Public Belt Railroad (NOPB) www.railnola.com info@nopb.com +1 504 896 7400
미국 New Orleans & Gulf Coast Railway (NOGC) rgpc.com/railroads/new-orleans-and-gulf-coast-railway-company nogccs@rgpc.com +1 504 347 8237
미국 New Hope Railroad (NHRR) www.newhoperailroad.com info@newhoperailroad.com +1 215 862 2332
미국 New England Southern Railroad (NEGS) www.newenglandsouthernrailroad.com vrscustomerservice@vrs.us.com +1 603 228 8580
미국 New England Central Railroad (NECR) www.gwrr.com/abcr corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 585 623 0206
미국 New Castle Industrial Railroad Inc (NCIR) www.newcastlerailroad.com dave_scott@csx.com +1 724 654 4449
미국 Nebraska, Kansas & Colorado Railway (NKCR) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/nebraska-kansas-colorado-railway-llc
+1 308 352 4899
미국 Nebraska Northwestern Railroad (NNW)

+1 308 432 8378
미국 Nebraska Central Railroad (NCRC) rgpc.com/railroads/nebraska-central-railroad
+1 402 371 9015
미국 Nashville & Eastern (NERR) www.rjcorman.com/nerrwelcome
+1 615 444 1434
미국 Napolean Defiance & Western Railroad (NDW) pioneerlines.com/napoleon-defiance-and-western-railway-ndw customer.service@pioneerlines.com +1 419 784 0889
미국 Mount Vernon Terminal Railway LLC (MVT) www.mvtrr.com george@mvtrr.com +1 360 708 0190
미국 Mount Hood Railroad (MH) www.mthoodrr.com office@mthoodrr.com +1 541 399 8939
미국 Morristown & Erie Railway Inc (ME) www.merail.com sales@merail.com +1 973 267 4300
미국 Montana Rail Link Inc (MRL) www.montanarail.com
+1 406 523 1500
미국 Mohawk, Adirondack & Northern Railroad (MHWA) www.gvtrail.com
+1 585 343 5398
미국 Modesto & Empire Traction Co (MET) metrr.com talves@metrr.com +1 209 524 4631
미국 Missouri Eastern Railroad (MER)
info@jag-transport.com +1 417-622-0384
미국 Missouri & Northern Arkansas Railroad (MNA) www.gwrr.com/mna corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 385 505 7782
미국 Mississippian Railway (MSRW)

+1 662 256 3544
미국 Mississippi Southern Railroad (MSR) www.watco.com/service/rail/mississippi-southern-railroad-msr
+1 601 764 3984
미국 Mississippi Export Railroad (MSE) mserr.com marketing@mserr.com +1 228 475 3322
미국 Mississippi Delta Railroad (MSDR)

+1 662 624 4501
미국 Mission Mountain Railroad (MMT) www.watcocompanies.com/rail-services/mission-mountain-railroad-mmt
+1 406 892 3293
미국 Minnesota, Dakota & Western Railway (MDW) www.boiseinc.com mediarelations@boiseinc.com +1 218 285 5290
미국 Minnesota Southern Railway (MSWY)

+1 507 283 4486
미국 Minnesota Prairie Line Inc (MPL) tcwr.net
+1 320 864 7200
미국 Minnesota Northern Railroad (MNN)
mnn@rrv.net +1 218 281 4704
미국 Minnesota Commercial Railway (MNNR) www.mnnr.net rjohnson@mnnr.net +1 651 646 2010
미국 Mid-Michigan Railroad (MMRR) www.gwrr.com/mmrr mmrr-cs@gwrr.com +1 614 479 1657
미국 Middletown & New Jersey Railroad LLC (MNJ) www.regional-rail.com/middletown-nj mnjcustomerservice@mnjrr.com +1 610 925 0131
미국 Middletown & Hummelstown Railroad (MIDH) www.mhrailroad.com freight@mhrailroad.com +1 717 944 4435
미국 Michigan Shore Railroad (MS) www.gwrr.com/ms mmrr-cs@gwrr.com +1 614 479 1657
미국 Meridian Southern Railroad (MDS) www.meridiansouthern.com info@meridiansouthern.com +1 607 687 2185
미국 Meridian & Bigbee Railroad / M&B (MNBR) www.gwrr.com/mnbr mnbr-cs@gwrr.com +1 601 693 4351
미국 Massena Terminal Railroad (MSTR) www.gwrr.com/mstr corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 585 623 0206
미국 Massachusetts Central Railroad Corp (MCER)

+1 413 283 5900
미국 Mass Coastal Railroad (MC) www.masscoastal.com info@masscoastal.com +1 508 291 2116
미국 Maryland Midland Railway (MMID) www.gwrr.com/mmid/ mmid-cs@gwrr.com +1 410 775 7718
미국 Maryland & Delaware Railroad (MDDE) www.mdde.com customerservice@mdde.com +1 410 754 5735
미국 Marquette Rail (MQT) www.gwrr.com/mqt mqt-cs@gwrr.com +1 231 845 9000
미국 Manufacturers’ Junction Railway (MJ) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/manufacturers-junction-railway-llc cscus@omnitrax.com +1 773 721 4000
미국 Mahoning Valley Railway (MVRY) www.gwrr.com/mvry corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 740 622 8092
미국 Madison Railroad (CMPA) www.madisonrailroad.com madrr@madisonrailroad.com +1 812 273 4248
미국 Lycoming Valley Railroad Co (LVRR) www.nshr.com/lvrr
+1 570 327 0732
미국 Luzerne & Susquehanna Line (LS) www.rjcorman.com/companies/railroad-company/our-short-lines/luzerne-susquehanna-line-ls
+1 607 687 6883
미국 Luxapalila Valley Railroad (LXVR) www.gwrr.com/lxvr lgibson@gwrr.com +1 662 329 7730
미국 Lucas Oil Rail Line (LORL) www.lucasoil.com
+1 812 738 3171
미국 Louisville & Wadley Railway (LW)

+1 478 252 1365
미국 Louisville & Indiana Railroad (LIRC) www.anacostia.com/railroads/lirc
+1 812 288 0940
미국 Louisiana Southern Railroad (LAS) www.watco.com/service/rail/louisiana-southern-railroad-las cs2@watco.com +1 318 533 8533
미국 Louisiana & North West Railroad (LNW) patriotrail.com/rail/louisiana-and-north-west-railroad-lnw lnw-cs@patriotrail.com +1 318 927 2031
미국 Louisiana & Delta Railroad (LDRR) www.gwrr.com/ldrr
+1 337 364 9625
미국 Los Angeles Junction Railway Co (LAJ)

+1 323 277 2004
미국 Livonia, Avon & Lakeville Railroad Corp (LAL) www.lalrr.com info@lalrr.com +1 585 346 2090
미국 Little Rock Port Authority Railroad (LRPA) www.portoflittlerock.com/transportation-infrastructure/rail bryan.day@portoflittlerock.com +1 501 490 1468
미국 Little Rock & Western Railway (LRWN) www.gwrr.com/lrwn
+1 501 662 4878
미국 Lehigh Valley Rail Management LLC (LVRM) www.lvrmllc.com patsabatino@fast.net +1 610 694 3484
미국 Laurinburg & Southern Railroad (LRS) www.gulfandohio.com/laruinburg-and-southern
+1 910 276 2811
미국 Lancaster & Chester Railroad LLC www.gulfandohio.com/lancaster-chester-rr
+1 803 286 2100
미국 Lake Terminal Railroad (LT) transtarrail.com/locations/the-lake-terminal-railroad-company
+1 412 433 2400
미국 Lake Superior & Ishpeming Railroad (LSI)

+1 906 475 3588
미국 Lake State Railway (LSRC) lsrc.com info@lsrc.com +1 989 393 9800
미국 Kyle Railroad (KYLE) www.gwrr.com/kyle kyle-cs@gwrr.com +1 800 757 7387
미국 KWT Railway (KWT) www.gwrr.com/kwt kwt-cs@gwrr.com +1 385 505 7782
미국 Knoxville & Holston River Railroad (KXHR) www.gulfandohio.com/kxhr
+1 865 521 9324
미국 Kinston & Snow Hill Railroad (KSH) www.gulfandohio.com/ksh
+1 910 544 9280
미국 Kingman Terminal Railroad (KGTR) patriotrail.com/rail/kingman-terminal-railroad-kgtr kgtr-cs@patriorail.com +1 928 692 8988
미국 Kiamichi Railroad (KRR) www.gwrr.com/krr corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 334 712 9101
미국 Kettle Falls International Railway (KFR) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/kettle-falls-international-railway-llc omniinfo@omnitrax.com +1 509 738 2965
미국 Keokuk Junction Railway (KJRY) pioneerlines.com/keokuk-junction-railway-company-kjry info@pioneerlines.com +1 309 605 0119
미국 Kaw River Railroad (KAW) www.watco.com/service/rail/kaw-river-railroad-kaw cs3@watco.com +1 913 281 6995
미국 Kansas City Terminal Railway (KCT) kctrailway.com contact@kctrailway.com +1 816 627 6741
미국 Kansas City Southern (KCS) www.kcsouthern.com
+1 816 983 1303
미국 Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad (KO) www.watco.com/service/rail/kansas-and-oklahoma-railroad-ko cs3@watco.com +1 316 263 3113
미국 Kankakee, Beaverville & Southern Railroad (KBSR) www.kbsrailroad.com kbsroffice@kbsrailroad.com +1 815 486 7260
미국 Juniata Valley Railroad Co (JVRR) www.nshr.com/jvrr
+1 717 242 5934
미국 Jaguar Transport Holdings
info@jag-transport.com +1 417-622-0384
미국 Iowa Traction Railway (IATR) www.progressiverail.com/rriatr/iatr.html pgrcs@progressiverail.com +1 641 424 4600
미국 Iowa Southern Railway (ISRY) www.progressiverail.com/rrisry/isry.html
+1 641 437 7029
미국 Iowa Pacific Holdings LLC www.iowapacific.net
+1 312 466 0900
미국 Iowa Northern Railway Co (IANR) www.iowanorthern.com postmaster@iowanorthern.com +1 319 297 6000
미국 Iowa Interstate Railroad LLC (IAIS) iaisrr.com info@iaisrr.com +1 319 298 5400
미국 Indiana Southern Railroad (ISRR) www.gwrr.com/isrr corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 802 527 3404
미국 Indiana Rail Road (INRD) www.inrd.com admin@inrd.com +1 317 262 5140
미국 Indiana Northeastern Railroad (IN) inerailroad.com support@inerailroad.com +1 517 439 4677
미국 Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad (IHB) www.ihbrr.com
+1 219 989 4747
미국 Indiana & Ohio Railway (IORY) www.gwrr.com/iory corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 513 682 4641
미국 Illinois Western Railroad (ILW) www.illwestern.com cbarenfa@illwestern.com +1 618 283 2268
미국 Illinois Railway LLC (IR) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/illinois-railway-llc omniinfo@omnitrax.com +1 815 431 0940
미국 Illinois & Midland Railroad (IMRR) www.gwrr.com/imrr
+1 217 788 8601
미국 Idaho Northern & Pacific Railroad (INPR) rgpc.com/railroads/idaho-northern-pacific-railroad lli@rgpc.com +1 208 365 6353
미국 Huron & Eastern Railway (HESR) www.gwrr.com/hesr hesr-cs@gwrr.com +1 989 797 5100
미국 Huntsville & Madison County Railroad Authority (HMCRA) www.hmcrr.com hmcrr@hmcrr.com +1 256 535 6516
미국 Housatonic Railroad (HRRC) www.hrrc.com info@hrrc.com +1 860 824 0850
미국 Hondo Railway LLC (HRR) www.hondorailway.com info@hondorailway.com +1 210 507 6785
미국 Hilton & Albany Railroad (HAL) www.gwrr.com/hal
+1 850 785 4609
미국 Heart of Georgia Railroad (HOG) www.gwrr.com/hog hog-cs@gwrr.com +1 229 924 7662
미국 Hartwell Railway Co (HRT)

+1 706 376 2627
미국 Gulf Coast Switching Co LLC (GCS) www.anacostia.com/railroads/gcs
+1 936 258 4101
미국 Gulf & Ohio Railways Inc (G&O) www.gulfandohio.com
+1 865 525 9400
미국 Grenada Railroad LLC (GRYR) railusa.com/railroads/grenada-railroad info@railusa.com +1 662 226 8364
미국 Great Western Railway of Colorado (GWR) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/great-western-railway-of-colorado-llc omniinfo@omnitrax.com +1 970 297 2604
미국 Great Walton Railroad (GRWX)

+1 770 464 0761
미국 Great River Railroad (GTR) www.portofrosedale.com robert@portofrosedale.com +1 662 759 6212
미국 Great Northwest Railroad (GRNW) www.watco.com/service/rail/great-northwest-railroad-grnw
+1 208 798 8395
미국 Great Lakes Central Railroad (GLC) www.glcrailroad.com tsbrr@shianet.org +1 989 725 6644
미국 Grand Rapids Eastern Railroad (GR) www.gwrr.com/gr mmrr-cs@gwrr.com +1 614 479 1657
미국 Grand Elk Railroad (GDLK) www.watco.com/service/rail/grand-elk-railroad-gdlk
+1 269 343 3461
미국 Grafton & Upton Railroad Co (GU) graftonuptonrr.com info@graftonuptonrr.com +1 508 481 6095
미국 Goose Lake Railway LLC (GOOS) www.nexxtlogistics.com/goose.html bob@nexxtrail.com +1 877 824 6913
미국 Golden Triangle Railroad (GTRA) patriotrail.com/rail/golden-triangle-railroad-gtra gtra-cs@patriotrail.com +1 662 243 4804
미국 Golden Isles Terminal Railroad (GITM) www.gwrr.com/gitm
+1 904 223 1110
미국 Georgia Woodlands Railroad (GWRC) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/georgia-woodlands-railroad-llc omniinfo@omnitrax.com +1 706 678 3000
미국 Georgia Southwestern Railroad (GSWR) www.gwrr.com/gswr gswr-cs@gwrr.com +1 800 757 7387 x4797
미국 Georgia Southern Railway Co (GS) pioneerlines.com/the-georgia-southern-railway-company-gs customer.service@pioneerlines.com
미국 Georgia Northeastern Railroad (GNRR) patriotrail.com/rail/georgia-northeastern-railroad-gnrr gnrr-cs@patriotrail.com +1 770 428 4784
미국 Georgia Central Railway (GC) www.gwrr.com/gc
+1 912 537 0588
미국 Georgia & Florida Railway (GFRR) omnitrax.com/services/industrial-development/georgia-and-florida-railway-gfrr omniinfo@omnitrax.com +1 229 435 6629
미국 Genesee Valley Transportation Co (GVT) www.gvtrail.com philip@gvtrail.com +1 585 343 5398
미국 Genesee & Wyoming Inc (GWI) www.gwrr.com corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 203 202 8900
미국 Gary Railway (GRW) transtarrail.com/locations/gary-railway-company grwhelp@uss.com +1 888 336 8298
미국 Gardendale Railroad Inc (GRD) ironhorseresources.com/rail-lines/gardendale mto@gardendalerail.com +1 618 632 4400
미국 Galveston Railroad (GVSR) www.gwrr.com/gvsr
+1 409 762 5227
미국 Fulton County Railway (FCR, Georgia) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/fulton-county-railway-llc
+1 770 645 7242
미국 Fulton County Railroad (FC, Indiana)

+1 574 223 3175
미국 Fort Worth & Western Railroad (FWWR) www.fwwr.net fwwrrll@onramp.net +1 817 763 8297
미국 Fordyce & Princeton Railroad (FP) www.gwrr.com/fp
+1 870 364 9000
미국 Florida Railroads www.regional-rail.com csagent@fcrr.com +1 407 880 8500
미국 Florida Gulf & Atlantic Railroad (FGAR) railusa.com/railroads/florida-gulf-atlantic-railroad info@railusa.com +1 561 448 2050
미국 Florida East Coast Railway Co (FECR) fecrwy.com contact@fecrwy.com +1 904 538 6100
미국 First Coast Railroad (FCRD) www.gwrr.com corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 904 223 1110
미국 Finger Lakes Railway (FGLK) www.fingerlakesrail.com joannarmstrong@fingerlakesrail.com +1 315 781 1234
미국 Farmrail System Inc (FMRC) www.farmrail.com judypetry@farmrail.com +1 580 323 1234
미국 Falls Road Railroad (FRR) www.gvtrail.com
+1 585 343 5398
미국 Fairfield Southern Company transtarrail.com/locations/fairfield-southern-company
+1 313 841 2851
미국 Everett Railroad Co (EV) www.everettrailroad.com everettrailroad@aol.com +1 814 695 9628
미국 Evansville Western Railway (EVWR) www.evwr.com
+1 812 838 5810
미국 Escanaba & Lake Superior Railroad (ELS) www.elsrr.com elswells@up.net +1 906 786 0693
미국 Ellis & Eastern (EE)

+1 605 357 6075
미국 Elk River Railroad (ELKR)

+1 304 872 3000
미국 Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway (EJE) www.cerrejoncoal.com
+1 815 740 6903
미국 El Dorado & Wesson Railway Co (EDW)

+1 870 863 7100
미국 Effingham Railroad (EFRR) www.efrr.com cbarenfa@illwestern.com +1 618 283 2268
미국 Eastern Illinois Railroad (EIRC)

+1 217 345 4832
미국 Eastern Idaho Railroad (EIRR) www.watco.com/service/rail/eastern-idaho-railroad-eirr
+1 208 735 1049
미국 Eastern Alabama Railway (EARY) www.gwrr.com/eary eary-cs@gwrr.com +1 800 757 7387
미국 East Tennessee Railway LP (ETRY) www.gwrr.com/etry
+1 423 928 3721
미국 East Penn Railroad (ESPN) www.regional-rail.com/east-penn-railroad-llc ESPNcustomerservice@eastpennrr.com +1 610 925 0131
미국 East Erie Commercial Railroad (EEC)

+1 814 875 2188
미국 East Camden & Highland Railroad (EACH) www.eachrailroad.com bcoffey@eachrr.com +1 870 574 0770
미국 Dubois County Railroad (DCRR) www.frenchlickscenicrailway.org info@frenchlickrr.org +1 812 936 2626
미국 Dover & Rockaway River Railroad (DRRV) www.chesapeakeanddelaware.com
+1 833 752 1849
미국 Deseret Power Railroad (DPRW) www.deseretgt.com info@deseretpower.com +1 801 619 6500
미국 Depew, Lancaster & Western Railroad (DLWR) www.gvtrail.com philip@gvtrail.com +1 585 343 5398
미국 Delta Valley & Southern Railway (DVS)

+1 870 655 8311
미국 Delta Southern Railroad (DSRR) deltasouthern.net
+1 318 600 4489
미국 Delray Connecting Railroad (DC) transtarrail.com/locations/delray-connecting-railroad-company
+1 313 841 2851
미국 Delmarva Central Railroad (DCR) www.carloadexpress.com/railroads/delmarva-central-railroad/
+1 844 426 8400
미국 Delaware-Lackawanna Railroad (DL) www.gvtrail.com
+1 585 343 5398
미국 Decatur Central Railroad (DCC) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/decatur-central-railroad-llc cscus@omnitrax.com +1 815 431 0940
미국 De Queen & Eastern Railroad Co (DQE) patriotrail.com/rail/dequeen-and-eastern-railroad-dqe dqe-cs@patriotrail.com +1 501 642 1422
미국 Dardanelle & Russellville Railroad (DR)
dan@drrailroad.com +1 479 968 6455
미국 Dallas, Garland & Northeastern Railroad (DGNO) www.gwrr.com/dgno
+1 513 505 9953
미국 Dakota, Missouri Valley & Western (DMVW) www.dmvwrr.com lwood@dmvwrr.com +1 701 223 9282
미국 D&I Railroad Co (DAIR) www.lgeverist.com/dirailroad jdparliament@lgeverist.com +1 605 334 5000
미국 CSX Transportation Inc www.csx.com tellcsx@csx.com +1 904 359 3200
미국 Crab Orchard & Egyptian Railroad (COER) www.progressiverail.com/rrcoer/coer.html pgrcs@progressiverail.com +1 618 993 5769
미국 Corpus Christi Terminal Railroad (CCPN) www.gwrr.com/ccpn corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 409 621 6681
미국 Consolidated Terminals & Logistics Co (CTLC) ctlconline.com
+1 985 867 3500
미국 Conrail Shared Assets Operations (CSAO) - CRCX www.conrail.com
+1 856 231 2000
미국 Connecticut Southern Railroad (CSO) www.gwrr.com/cso cso-cs@gwrr.com +1 800 757 7387
미국 Conecuh Valley Railway (COEH) www.gwrr.com/coeh corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 716 401 8955
미국 Commonwealth Railway (CWRY) www.gwrr.com/cwry corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 252 332 2778
미국 Columbus & Ohio River Railroad (CUOH) www.gwrr.com/cuoh corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 740 622 8092
미국 Columbus & Greenville Railway (CAGY) www.gwrr.com/cagy corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 716 401 8955
미국 Columbus & Chattahoochee Railroad (CCH) www.gwrr.com/cch corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 229 698 2000
미국 Columbia Basin Railroad (CBRR) cbrr.com/companies/columbia_basin_railroad.html cbrr@cbrr.com +1 509 453 9166
미국 Columbia & Cowlitz Railway Co (CLC) patriotrail.com/rail/columbia-cowlitz-railway-clc clc-cs@patriotrail.com +1 360 501 2182
미국 Colorado Pacific Railroad (CXR) www.watco.com/service/rail/colorado-pacific-railroad-cxr cs3@watco.com +1 620 872 2202
미국 Colorado & Wyoming Railway Co (CW) www.colasrail.co.uk freight@colasrail.co.uk +1 719 561 6359
미국 CMC Railroad Inc (CMC) www.cmcrailroad.com
+1 409 258 5200
미국 Cleveland Port Railway omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/cleveland-port-railway cscus@omnitrax.com +1 216 658 1383
미국 Cleveland & Cuyahoga Railway (CCRL) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/cleveland-and-cuyahoga-railway-llc cscus@omnitrax.com +1 216 658 1383
미국 City of Prineville Railway (COPR) www.cityofprineville.com/railway mwiederholt@cityofprineville.com +1 541 447 6251
미국 Chicago, Fort Wayne & Eastern Railroad (CFE) www.gwrr.com/cfe corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 614 479 1683
미국 Chicago South Shore & South Bend Railroad (CSS) www.anacostia.com/railroads/css csscustomerservice@anacostia.com +1 219 874 9000
미국 Chicago Rail Link LLC (CRL) omnitrax.com/our-company/our-railroads/chicago-rail-link info@omnitrax.com +1 773 721 4000
미국 Chestnut Ridge Railroad (CHR)

+1 724 773 2239
미국 Chesapeake & Indiana Railroad (CKIN) www.mbrail.com/ckin info@mbrail.com +1 816 519 1285
미국 Chesapeake & Albemarle Railroad (CA) www.gwrr.com/ca corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 252 332 2788
미국 Chattooga & Chickamauga Railway (CCKY) www.gwrr.com/ccky
+1 706 638 9552
미국 Chattahoochee Industrial Railroad (CIRR) www.gwrr.com/cirr cirr-cs@gwrr.com +1 757 7387 x2477
미국 Chattahoochee Bay Railroad (CHAT) www.gwrr.com/bayl corpcomm@gwrr.com +1 334 712 9101
미국 CG Railway LLC (CGR) www.cgrailway.com cgrcs@cgrailway.com +1 251 266 5239
미국 Central Washington Railroad (CWRR) cbrr.com/companies/central_washington_railroad.html cbrr@cbrr.com +1 509 453 9166
미국 Central Railroad of Indianapolis (CERA) www.gwrr.com/cera cera-cs@gwrr.com +1 800 757 7387
미국 Central Railroad of Indiana (CIND) www.gwrr.com/cind cind-cs@gwrr.com +1 800 757 7387
미국 Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad (CORP) www.gwrr.com/corp corp-cs@gwrr.com +1 888 271 8145
미국 Central New England Railroad Inc (CNZR) cnzrrr.com support@cnzrrr.com +1 860 666 1636
미국 Central Montana Rail Inc (CM)
cmrailrd@ttc-cmc.net +1 406 567 2223
미국 Central Maine & Quebec Railway (CMQ) www.cmqrailway.com customerservice@cmqrailway.com +1 207 848 4200
미국 Central Indiana & Western Railroad (CEIW)

+1 765 534 3398
미국 Central California Traction Co (CCT) www.cctrailroad.com customerservice@cctrailroad.com +1 209 466 6927
미국 Cedar Rapids & Iowa City Railway (CIC) www.travero.com/railfreightservices/thecrandicroute
+1 319 786 3644
미국 CaterParrott Railnet (CPR) cprailnet.com contact@cprailnet.com +1 229 543 1101
미국 Cascade & Columbia River Railroad (CSCD) www.gwrr.com/cscd cscd-cs@gwrr.com +1 989 797 5146
미국 Carolina Piedmont Railroad (CPDR) www.gwrr.com/cpdr cpdr cpdr-cs@gwrr.com +1 800 757 7387
미국 Carolina Coastal Railway (CLNA) www.regional-rail.com/carolina-coastal-railway clnarailroad@yahoo.com +1 252 237 8259
미국 Carload Express Inc www.carloadexpress.com
+1 412 426 2800
미국 Canton Railroad Co (CTN) www.cantonrr.com info@cantonrr.com +1 410 633 9200
미국 Caney Fork & Western Railroad (CFWR) ironhorseresources.com/rail-lines/caney-fork-western-railroad
+1 931 473 4910
미국 Camp Chase Railway (CAMY) www.mbrail.com/camy info@mbrail.com +1 816 519 1285
미국 California Northern Railroad (CFNR) www.gwrr.com/cfnr cfnr-cs@gwrr.com +1 855 344 5080
미국 C&NC Railroad (CNUR)

+1 765 825 0349
미국 Butte, Anaconda & Pacific Railroad (BAP) patriotrail.com/rail/butte-anaconda-pacific-railway-bap bap-cs@patriotrail.com +1 406 563 2851
미국 Burlington Junction Railway (BJRY) bjryrail.com support@bjryrail.com +1 319 753 6157
미국 Buffalo Southern Railroad Inc (BSOR) www.buffalosouthernrr.com buffalosouthern@aol.com +1 716 992 4979
미국 Buffalo & Pittsburgh Railroad (BPRR) www.gwrr.com/bprr
+1 585 463 3308
미국 Buckingham Branch Railroad (BB) buckinghambranch.com
+1 434 983 3300
미국 Brownsville & Rio Grande International Railroad (BRG) omnitrax.com/services/industrial-development/brownsville-rio-grande-international-railway-llc
+1 956 831 7731
미국 Brandon Corporation Railroad (BRAN)

+1 402 731 5660
미국 Border Pacific Railroad (BOP) www.starrbridge.com sfvale@aol.com +1 956 487 5606
미국 Boise Valley Railroad (BVRR) www.watcocompanies.com

미국 BNSF Railway Co www.bnsf.com

미국 BNSF Logistics www.bnsflogistics.com
+1 855 476 9364
미국 Bloomer Shippers Connecting Railroad (BLOL) www.alliance-grain.com
+1 217 784 4923
미국 Blackwell Northern Gateway Railroad (BNGR) www.blackwellrr.com info@blackwellrr.com +1 580 789 4534
미국 Blacklands Railroad (BLR) www.blacklandsrailroad.com info@blacklandsrailroad.com +1 903 439 0738
미국 Black Mesa & Lake Powell Railroad (BLKM) www.peabodyenergy.com
+1 928 645 6210
미국 Birmingham Terminal Railway (BHRR) www.watco.com/service/rail/birmingham-terminal-railway-bhrr

미국 Belvidere & Delaware River Railway (BDRV)

+1 908 782 9600
미국 Belt Railway Co of Chicago (BRC) www2.beltrailway.com choman@beltrailway.com +1 708 496 4000
미국 Bay Line Railroad LLC (BAYL) www.gwrr.com/bayl
+1 850 747 4034
미국 Bay Colony Railroad Corp (BCLR) www.baycolonyrailroad.com bfay@floridarail.com +1 781 380 3556
미국 Bauxite & Northern Railway (BXN) www.gwrr.com/bxn
+1 870 613 7499
미국 Batten Kill Railroad (BKRR)

+1 518 692 2160
미국 B&H Rail Corp (BH) www.bhrail.com
+1 585 384 9169
미국 Autauga Northern Railroad (AUT) www.watcocompanies.com/services/rail/autauga-northern-railroad-aut/ cs2@watco.com +1 334 358 0492
미국 Austin Western Railroad (AWRR) www.watco.com/service/rail/austin-western-railroad-awrr cs2@watcocompanies.com +1 512 388 6350
미국 Atlantic & Western Railway (ATW) www.gwrr.com/atw
+1 919 776 7521
미국 AT&L Railroad Co (ATLT)

+1 580 623 5477
미국 Ashtabula, Carson & Jefferson Railroad (ACJR) www.acjrailroad.com acjrr@acjrailroad.com +1 440 576 1212
미국 Ashland Railway (ASRY) www.ashlandrailway.com
+1 419 525 2822
미국 Arkansas-Oklahoma Railroad (AOK) aokrr.com patricia@aokrr.com +1 918 465 0299
미국 Arkansas, Louisiana & Mississippi Railroad (ALM) www.gwrr.com/alm
+1 870 364 9000
미국 Arkansas Southern Railroad (ARS) www.watco.com/service/rail/arkansas-southern-railroad-ars cs2@watco.com +1 601 670 1500
미국 Arkansas Midland Railroad (AKMD) www.gwrr.com/akmd akmd-cs@gwrr.com +1 501 844 4444
미국 Arkansas & Missouri Railroad (AM) www.amrailroad.com jims@amrailroad.com +1 479 751 8600
미국 Arizona Eastern Railway Co (AZER) www.gwrr.com/azer azer-cs@gwrr.com +1 928 473 2447
미국 Arizona Central Railroad (AZCR) www.clarkdaleazcentral.com
+1 520 634 4393
미국 Arizona & California Railroad (ARZC) www.gwrr.com/arzc arzc-cs@gwrr.com +1 877 361 6487
미국 ArcelorMittal Steel USA-Railways Inc

+1 410 388 7937
미국 Arcade & Attica Railroad Co (ARA) www.anarr.com webmaster@anarr.com +1 585 492 3100
미국 Appalachian & Ohio Railroad (AO) www.a-orailroad.com
+1 304 472 5960
미국 Apache Railway Co (APA) apacherailway.com info@apacherailway.com +1 928 536 4696
미국 Ann Arbor Railroad (AA) www.watco.com/service/rail/ann-arbor-railroad-aa
+1 517 548 3930
미국 Angelina & Neches River Railroad Co (ANR) www.anrrr.com
+1 936 634 4403
미국 Anacostia Rail Holdings www.anacostia.com
+1 312 341 1026
미국 AN Railway LLC (AN) www.gwrr.com/an an-cs@gwrr.com +1 800 757 7387
미국 Alton & Southern Railway Co (ALS) www.altonsouthern.com
+1 618 482 3239
미국 Allegheny Valley Railroad (AVR) www.carloadexpress.com
+1 412 426 2800
미국 Aliquippa & Ohio River Railroad (AOR) www.gwrr.com/aor
+1 740 622 8092
미국 Alexander Railroad Co (ARC) www.alexanderrailroad.com arc@arcrailroad.com +1 828 632 2103
미국 Albany Port Railroad Corp (APD)

+1 518 463 8679
미국 Albany & Eastern Railroad (AERC) albanyeastern.com ginny@albanyeastern.com +1 541 259 6470
미국 Alaska Railroad Corp (ARRC) www.alaskarailroad.com corpinfo@akrr.com +1 907 265 2300
미국 Alamo Gulf Coast Railroad (AGCR) www.martinmarietta.com
+1 210 208 4410
미국 Alabama Warrior Railway (ABWR) www.watco.com/service/rail/alabama-warrior-railway-abwr
+1 205 808 7942
미국 Alabama Southern Railroad (ABS) www.watco.com/service/rail/alabama-southern-railroad-abs info@watcocompanies.com +1 205 758 0441
미국 Alabama & Tennessee River Railway LLC (ATN) www.omnitrax.com info@omnitrax.com +1 256 547 9079
미국 Alabama & Gulf Coast Railway (AGR) www.gwrr.com/agr agr-cs@gwrr.com +1 800 757 7387
미국 Akron Barberton Cluster Railway (ABCR) www.wlerwy.com wle_akron@wlerwy.com +1 330 745 4431
미국 Adrian & Blissfield Railroad (ADBF) www.abrailroad.com
+1 248 729 5113
미국 Acadiana Railway (AKDN) www.acwr.com
+1 910 974 4219
미국 Aberdeen, Carolina & Western Railway Co (ACWR)

+1 337 942 4085
미국 Aberdeen & Rockfish Railroad Co (AR) www.aberdeen-rockfish.com info@aberdeen-rockfish.com +1 910 944 2341